Before and after

The before and after of some reforms

The before and after of  spaces is the most surprising way, and above all more graphic for you to trust the most important investment of your life in a professional. Therefore, although there are many details to explain that the photos do not teach, it seems like a fantastic way for you to imagine what we can do now in your home.

If you also want to continue seeing more projects, visit us by clicking on this link, let yourself be surprised.

What do we consider, before doing reforms?

Each interior designer and each decorator or client has a different concept about beauty. It is difficult to talk about interior design as a science, but it should be approached as such, since many disciplines are mixed and all of them have a purpose. Below we describe you all the areas that we work in as interior designers in Barcelona


  • General architecture of housing.
  • Sustainable and energy efficient housing.
  • Functional design of spaces, looking for the practical and beautiful.
  • Lifestyle of the person or family that will live in the home. Study of your daily rituals.
  • Materials, textures, durability and ease of cleaning them.
  • Supervision of the implementation.
  • Economic control of the implementation.
  • Project and personalized lighting design.
  • Project and design of personalized installations to make them comfortable for our daily Rituals.
  • Design of custom furniture.
  • Study of colors for your home.
  • Household textiles, curtains, bedding, background arrangement of cupboards.
  • Decoration of the house in general, art work for the walls.

Before the reform

After the reform

Contact with Ritual · Interior Designer in Barcelona · Decorators Barcelona

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