Fashion and trends

Personal shopper

We will come with you to buy your things in selected shops according to your needs and your style. Just forget about running all over the city and looking for that special dress and leave it all in our hands. We will take charge of sourcing all the clothes that really suit you.


Shopping tour experience

Be introduced to all the selected and most exclusive shops and boutiques. We will create a special path such as a vintage a luxury outlet path or made in Spain and handmade bespoke amongst others.

Beauty advisor

Consisting of analyzing body morphology, color test and make up tests.
With this service we will provide all the necessaries tools so you can learn to harmonize and improve your external look through some defined facets such as: The best options of hairdresser and make up, study of body size to offer the best clothes that fit you well and that balance your shape, one exact choice of colors that are in harmony with your look and with your natural appearance.


How to optimize your closet

Learn how to take the maximum advantage from those clothes that you have already in your closet.

We will make a selection of all those clothes that really fit you well and that are attuned to the shape of your body. With this service you will learn how to make a good closet and above all how to keep all the things that you really need. Have fun creating great looks!

We don’t want to change you since everybody is extraordinary and has got his/her own stile!

Shall we have fun?

Contact us here for this service

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